
Art at the Mill

I'd heard so many good things about the Clarke County Historical Society's Art at the Mill in Millwood near Berryville that I decided to participate this year. Two pastels were accepted and I look forward to this very active show. Their big weekend, with other Clarke County activities happening in conjunction with the exhibit, is October 13-14. Visit before it's all gone!

October  6-21
Hours:  Sunday - Friday  12-5p
            Saturday  10-6p

Admission:  Adults  $5
                   Seniors $3
                   Students Free


Pastel Society of Virginia hosts Maggie Price in November

The Pastel Society of Virginia is pleased to host Maggie Price, internationally known and respected pastelist and author, on Veteran's Day weekend November 10-12, 2012 (Saturday through Monday) at the Franconia Governmental Center. The theme is developing your vacation photos into pastel paintings, whether you're a beginner or advanced. The $400 registration fee includes three days of instruction, daily boxed lunches, and 2012/2013 membership in the Pastel Society of Virginia. As part of the workshop, but separately and only for workshop participants, Maggie will judge a painting contest, awarding gift certificates for Richeson products.

See Maggie's website maggiepriceart.com for workshop registration information and direct any questions to Susan Webster at susanwebster@verizon.net or 703 533 0891. This workshop already has reached the attendance quota to be held, however, the registration deadline has been extended to October 10 to assist you in getting your payment submitted. Due to Maggie's extensive teaching schedule and limited availability, Susan Webster asks that you contact her, instead of Maggie, with all your questions and registration needs.