
What's up at "Safe Passage" at The Arts Club of Washington?

My exhibit "Safe Passage" remains for view at the Arts Club of Washington until March 2. It's is so much fun and such an honor to have an exhibit featuring architecture in a location with such beautiful, historic architecture. Come see! 


Cassino, once not a "Safe Passage"

Cassino, Italy might look like a tranquil "Safe Passage," but during WWII, Cassino was the location of intense aerial bombing raids and high German and Allied casualty rates. Over time, it and its namesake, Abbey Montecassino, rebounded into the picturesque passage painted here.

soft pastel on Richeson board

See this and more "Safe Passage" images of Italy at the Arts Club of Washington in February with the opening February 7 from 6-9PM.


"Safe Passage" opens Friday in DC

Join me at the Arts Club of Washington from 6-9pm on Friday for the opening of my "Safe Passage" exhibit at 2017 I St, NW in DC. My work will be featured with that of Sheila Blake and Michael Francis. The exhibit will be up until March 1. 

For more information and my artist's statement, please see this previous blog post.