

In September, the Workhouse is celebrating two years since the prison doors swung open to the public and 100 years since the prison was created. There will be a focus on the past, present, and future of the facility.

Artists, staff, and community members have been invited to submit Muses, 3x3 works of art, which may be on canvas, paper, or other supports. They will be hung with magnets on metal plates. Each of us will hang one on a collaborative board. The Associates and Guild will hang downstairs in W-16 while Studio Artists will have panels in their areas.

My 12yo son with his love of WWII was inspired to create a number of battlefield scenes with a diorama feel. The one he submitted for the collaborative area is entitled "The Liberators" and is on 3x3 stretched canvas.

My contributions to the project are on the same support, as these canvases are quite cute and inspiring. I am calling mine Geological X-Sections and each represents a different sort of rock formation with a multi-media viewpoint from within the Earth. They are adorned with semi-precious stones I hounded myself, including amethyst, garnet, rhodolite garnet, peridot, and star ruby and sapphire. They represent the treasures of the Earth if one was to peer inside.

An additional layer of interest was created by using organic illustrations from an antique science book. The pieces are definitely best in person! The show runs from August 17 through September 12.

Cleavage, Grotto, Precipice

Peak, Cavern, Crevice

Chasm, Crack, Fissure

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